Monday, June 22, 2020

Postgraduate Studies

After finishing my career as  Pharmaceutical Chemist, I would like to carry out some postgraduate study related to regulatory matters, mainly focused on the area of ​​cosmetic products.

I have great interest in the large number of cosmetic products that are produced in different countries, where there are raw materials that are often not found in Chile, and to be imported into Chile, these products need to comply with the legislation of our country, in accordance with the guidelines provided by regulatory bodies.  I would love if this variety of products could be accessible to many people with different type of skin.

In Chile, the University of Chile teaches the Diploma in Regulatory Affairs, which has a part focused on cosmetic products. The ideal would be to take these complementary courses paralel with my work, and make it in person and online.

Homero Simpson y la Universidad - El Mostrador

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Looking for a dream job

When I finish my career I would like to join in a course about cosmetic ,this was the area I enjoyed the most on the career, so I would be very happy working in a place like a cosmetic laboratory.

In a future I want to make my own brand of cosmetic, like a line of facial care with creams and serums or even makeup.

I imagine my future dream job in a beautiful office. I would like a job where I feel comfortable with others workers and meet new people.

I love to travel to other countries so I would like to travel a lot because of job, I think this is the most entertaining part of it.

I'm about to finish my career, so I hope these dreams don't take so long to come true haha.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

I want to be a ecologic person

Recycling is not something we learn from a young age, at least in our country and society.

Unfortunately in my house we have not incorporated any recycling habit, although I would like very much be able to lead a more ecological life with my family.

The truth is that I love to walk and I try to do it as much as I can, I prefer this to take the bus or the subway.

I have friends who lead a much more sustainable life and I learned a lot from them, I hope that when I live alone I will have a space to compost or places to recycle waste.

So far I have done nothing to reduce my carbon footprint, but I really hope to start acting soon for the good of the planet.

Hopefully these subjects were taught to us at school, so them would be habits that we would all have acquired.

With this post I feel like a terrible person, haha. I promise to change my habits to become a better person to our planet.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

A incredible manga artist

The person I would like to meet is Hayao Miyasaki, the founder of the wonderful studio of animation named Studio Ghibli. He is from Japan and he works and  animator, filmmaker and manga artist. I don't really know about his personality, but It is innegable that he is a creative and talented person.

The thing that I admire the most of him is his imagination, because he has made the most wonderful animated movies that I have seen in my life.

He directed numerous films such as Castle in the Sky, Porco Rosso, Kiki's Delivery Service and my favourite: My Neighbor Totoro. All these films were a success in Japan and later,  these were in the rest of the world.

In all of his films the protagonist is a strong girl or a young woman, who doesn't  need the help of men or a charming prince to save them, this is a precious lesson for all the girls.

I don't know if our ways will cross, but in some years I want to travel to his country so if I am really lucky, this can happen someday.